Our Greatest Weapon

The Power Of Prayer

Have you ever had a strange thought pop into your head that instantly made you angry?

Maybe it was a thought aimed at your spouse for not listening to you or a friend that you haven’t spoken to in a while. Ever wonder why all of a sudden, your mind is playing tricks on you? Everything was going just fine and then, unexpectedly, it wasn’t. Nothing triggered it, it just came about suddenly and what was a good day, quickly became a mental battle between you and an enemy you couldn’t see. That’s exactly what it is; an enemy assaulting your mind. This particular adversary is very good at what he does. He has studied you, taken notes about things that bother you, certain triggers that you have, and he uses them to plant seeds of doubt. Doubt that if left unchecked will one day lead to a very destructive downward spiral. You see, these thoughts the enemy puts inside your head can be combated. You can stand up against the assault and remind yourself and the enemy who you are in Christ. These strategic assaults are like flame lit arrows coming straight for you and God has equipped you to defend yourself against them.

If you actively read your bible and attend a biblical church, this is nothing new to you. The Armor of God is a well-known passage in the bible. But what I want to discuss is something a little different than that. Yes, the Armor of God (Ephesians 6:13-17) is exactly what we need when facing our enemies, but a lot of people miss verse 18 in that passage, “praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints”. Prayer is our biggest weapon against that enemy and so many people miss this because they lack the disciple to pray throughout that day, myself included. The Bible is clear about who our enemy is, yet we don’t take him seriously. I am by no means promoting to fear the devil, but I am telling you that you need to pray against him.

Prayer is our direct link to God, something that the Holy Spirit gives us when we accept Christ into our hearts. It’s powerful, supernatural, and extremely essential in our walk with Jesus. How would your spouse feel if you only spoke to them when you had an issue needing fixed? And if not marriage, would your friend still consider you a friend if you only called them up to borrow money? We cannot continue calling upon God to fix our problems and avoiding a relationship with Him. Like I said before, He isn’t a genie in a bottle (see my first blog post for more information on that).

So, what does prayer do for someone who is under attack and needs help from God? Prayer is a game changer. It’s how God renews your mind (Romans 12: 2). If you start praying to God when the enemy is in full swing, you’ll stay focused on the Problem Solver, instead of the problem. The devil wants you to get so overwhelmed that you forget to seek God, that you forget the truth. He did the same thing to Eve in the Garden of Eden. Doubt was planted and then man fell because they took their attention off God. Stop it. Fix your eyes on God and start developing a prayer life. Without it, the assaults will take you over and before long, you’ll start questioning things that you were once so sure of.

If you don’t have a relationship with God and you want prayer, feel free to send me an email and I will gladly point you in the right direction. We are all in this together.


Thanks for reading and God Bless!

Amber Flippen

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